Detention Center

Jail Administrator:  Chris Holland

The Detention Operations is to receive, process and detain people that have been taken into custody by various law enforcement agencies. When a person has been turned over to the detention center, they are given an opportunity to post bond. If bonded out the detainee will be released pending a court hearing. If detainee can not make bond, they will be detained until the court makes a decision concerning their case. Detainees who have been convicted and sentenced will be detained until their sentence is served in accordance to the law or transferred to a state facility. Dodge County has a New, state of the art, facility that will house upwards 150 plus detainees. This facility has been erected to insure the safety of the public, staff and detainees of Dodge County.




Polices are subject to change at the discretion of the Sheriff.

This Policy Pamphlet supersedes all former DCSO policies. 8/28/10

Detainee Copy Have detainee sign checklist


Any incarcerated individual that is to be housed in the jail facility for any amount of time is to receive a copy of this pamphlet Upon entering the jail facility per Dodge County policy all incarcerated individual's are to be pat searched and have restraints applied. Detainees will then be processed through booking in which a series of identification and medical questions will be asked. Detainees will then be strip searched, issued jail attire and property. In some cases fingerprints may be obtained Once accepted by the jail facility Detention Officers, the Detainee Policy applies to the detainee.

Detainee Privacy; Any information obtained during the booking process by the detention center staff is strictly confidential and will not be released. During incarceration in our facilities all detainees are subject to random searches of (including but not limited to), personal property, dormitory area, clothes and person (strip search). For exceptions (see Detainee Mail)

Phone Usage: After the booking process is completed, ( detainees may have the PRIVILEGE to make a phone call. This privilege may be revoked or suspended at the discretion of the officer. Intake phone calls are limited to 5 minutes. Exceptions in special circumstances may apply. Each housing unit is equipped with a pay phone. Collect calls and Patel calls may be placed on these phones. Office phone usage is prohibited except in special circumstances defined by the officers on duty. Requests to use the office phone must be made in writing and turned into a detention officer (special circumstances may apply).

Alcohol Related Incidents: Per Dodge County Policy, detainees that are under the influence" of alcohol/drugs or have related charges/citations are to be detained for no less than 12 hours.


During incarceration in the Dodge County jail facility, detainees are expected to behave in an appropriate and respectful manner toward all staff, detention officers, visitors and other inmates. Examples of unacceptable behavior are (but not limited to) beating against cell doors and walls, derogatory comments toward staff, destructive behavior of any manner toward jail property or staff and/or what can be considered inappropriate behavior. Consequences include but are not limited to immediate disciplinary sanctions and/or legal prosecution. Detainees are to follow the last instructions given by a detention officer. As decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, the detention officer reserves to right to take preventative or evasive action to maintain safety, security and order in and around the jail facility.


Detainee's Property will be confiscated during booking process. Any cash on the detainee or detainee's property at the time of booking that is more than $5.00 will be secured and applied to the detainee's account and a receipt will be issued. Remaining balances on the detainees account post release can be obtained during business hours from the Court House. Detainees can release property to family members with written approval (pending investigative holds). Up to'48 hours after the time of booking, detainees may receive 2 white pair of socks, 2 white t-shirts and 2 white pair of underwear. After this time, property from family must be approved. Medication that is on the detainee or detainee's property that is prescribed will be distributed as directed and MUST be in it's original bottle/blister pack in order to be distributed. OTC medications will be stored but not distributed to the detainee, however they may be purchased from the jail if available. If an detainees doctor prescribed medication runs-out during incarceration, the inmate can visit the facility doctor to update their prescription. OTC or Narcotic medication received at time of booking from the detainee will NOT be distributed, but can be released to family members per approval of the detainee. Tobacco products will be subject to disposal 24 hours after incarceration.

Jail Property

If available, all detainees shall receive the following property: A pair of shower shoes, a mattress, a blanket, a sheet, pillow, a pillowcase, a towel and a washcloth. Upon release any jail property that was issued to the detainee shall be returned in the condition in which is was issued. Damage or the none-return of jail property will incur charges and a hold on your account Preexisting damages will be noted.









Shower Shoes(2)










$35.00 $50.00 $8.00 $4.00 $5.00 $10.00 $8.00 $8.00 $5.00

DETAINEE MAIL: Letters that are to be turned in for outgoing mail must not be sealed and meet postal standards (weight/stamp). Sealed letters will not be accepted and/or returned to the detainee. Exceptions to this Policy is letters addressed to an attorney and /or judge. Incoming mail is subject to search and monitoring. Incoming legal mail is subject to physical search in front of the inmate, but will not be read. Incoming letters sprayed with perfume, containing explicit or inciting images, photos or descriptions, containing mailing supplies are prohibited and will not be permitted. These items will be confiscated for destruction or storage circumstances pending.

MEDICAL CHARGES: Detainees wishing to see the doctor must submit a Medical Request. After the doctor's visit the detainee will be charged a $5.00 Co-Pay. Any detainee receiving OTC (over-the-counter) medications must pay a $1.00 per pill (or dose depending on type of medication) Co-Pay. Detainees that do not have money in their account will NOT be denied medical treatment. However, the amount owed will be placed on their account. Once money is added to the detainees account, medical and indigent package costs will be the first costs deducted. Detainee must initial this section and sign final page in order to receive OTC medications.

INDIGENT CARE PACKAGES: Upon incarceration in our facilities, detainees are to receive (if available) basic needs supplies such as, but not limited to soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste etc. If the detainee exhibits the financial inability to purchase these basic supplies for one (1) week, such detainee may be eligible for an indigent care package. To be eligible for an indigent care package the detainee's account must have less than five $5.00 dollars for at least one (1) week. The cost of an indigent care package is five $5.00 dollars. This package will not be refused to the detainee if they cannot afford it, however a hold will be place on the detainees account for the amount owed. Once money is added to the detainees account, indigent care packages as well as medical costs will be deducted first To apply for an indigent care package you must fill out a store call sheet distributed every Wednesday night and check "Indigent Care Package". This is usually the last item on the sheet Your request and account will be reviewed for eligibility

STORE; All detainees store-call money must be received no later than WEDNESDAY'S AT 5:OOPM FOR THE CURRENT WEEK'S ORDER. All money placed on an detainees account can only be accepted at the Court House during business hours. Store sheets are distributed Wednesday nights. Store order's are placed Thursday morning and distributed Friday. These hours/days are subject to change.


Scheduled Visitation Detainees are limited to 5 approved visitors and must be immediate family members (parents, brother, sister, spouse, grandparents, grandchildren and children) or a significant other. Special circumstances may apply. Potential visitors must submit an application to be considered for approval. Reasons for disapproval shall be provided upon written request Visitation forms must be legible, date and completed in order to be accepted. This form may be updated every SIX (6) months. Written requests may be submitted to change this form. Visitation hours are Wednesdays 5:00pm – 5:30pm and Saturday's 10:00am – 10:30am, weather permitting and maybe canceled without prior notice.

Unscheduled Visitation

Visitation outside of visitation hours is strictly prohibited. Exceptions to this policy include but are not limited to serious verifiable family emergencies or appointments with an attorney or bondsmen. With the exception of extreme limited circumstances, all unscheduled visits must be approved in advance and monitored by a staff member. An exception may be visitation with an attorney in which detainees are subject to searches prior and after such visits.


Any item that is not jail property, not purchased through the store or not allowed is considered contraband and is punishable by law. Examples of contraband can be but not limited to tobacco, tobacco related objects (lighters, papers etc.), any electronic devices (cell phones, cell phone chargers etc.), medications not prescribed by a doctor, illegal drugs, drug related objects, an excess amount of any jail issued item, weapons or any object that can be used as such and/or anything that can be determined to interfere with the security, safety and order of the jail facility and staff. Possession of contraband within the jail facility is illegal and punishable by law.

WRITTEN REQUESTS: For all requests to be considered, detainees must submit all general requests, medical requests and grievances in writing to a detention officer. Forms can be provided to the detainee with a verbal request to a Detention Officer. The detainee is to understand that all written requests/statements (general, medical and grievances) are submitted pending administrative review and consideration.

INMATE GRIEVANCE Any detainee complaints or grievances must be submitted in writing on a grievance form in order to address any corrective action.